Peacefulness in Mindfulness

Anika Fatima
2 min readMay 12, 2020

Is being mindful will bring peace to our lives, or it’s just the illusion? This is written for my project of 30 days writing to write anything interesting. This is dedicated to my friends who spent their quarantine dealing with their anxiety.

We can’t stop our minds from thinking, but we can focus our mind and energy on what’s important.

Life is chaotic, there’s always something to think about. There will be more bills to pay. Each day there is more responsibility to fulfill. Tomorrow will stay a mystery, no matter how much research we did. We can only predict what could happen.

We can only control how we react to the outside world. Then, we prepare for all of the possibilities and keep pushing through.

This is hard, but nobody ever says it’s easy.

Sometimes, our minds can be crueler than our life be. It keeps reminding us, how will failure feel like? How life is going to be when everything crashed down?

Instead of getting ready for the worst, and preparing for all the drama that might come. We often decide to dwell in our fear. We did an irrational response because of the fear.

We run away before anything could happen. We pull back before anyone can hurt us.

We often find ourselves having a hard time sleeping, thinking about the uncertain future. Sometimes in the process that includes neglecting our reality.

Have you abandoned what you can control for something that’s not happening yet?

This is why anxiety destroys. Being mindful is what can help us get to pass through it. Because it allows us to save what’s in front of us, instead of making visionary planning but letting our current life in a mess.

Mindfulness is all about being fully here, all of your mind and body. Not just your body stays here, but your mind wanders to the future.

It means, we start thinking and focusing all of our senses doing what we do. Practicing mindfulness can look like :

  • Taking a deep breath and feel all of your senses.
  • Take time off from your current activity to refocus.
  • Self-dialogue to challenge your thoughts.
  • Writing and sorting what needs to be on your thought and what’s not.
  • Doing enjoyable hobbies.
  • Doing activities to keep you occupied from useless thought.
  • Meditate.
  • Etc. (many more)

It’s will not be an easy effort, but I know with the right mindset for growth we will make it in no time.

Being fully here is hard because we cannot truly stop being afraid and stop thinking. But, we always have a choice to let what needs to happen. We are here to give our best effort here and there, but still giving destiny their role to present us all of the gains and lose life has in store for us.

